Detached Building is that building which not attached to any other building.

Commercial Zone is the area where Commercial buildings and Properties are located as per the master...

Completion Certificate is issued by the Defence Housing Authority on the completion of construction...

A car porch is a covered area in a house or building where vehicles can be parked. It is typically l...

Commercial buildings are typically designed to meet the specific needs of the businesses or organiza...

Byelaws are a set of regulations, laws, or rules that are established by a governing body or authori...

A builder is a professional who is responsible for the construction or renovation of buildings, stru...

To obtain approval for construction or renovation in DHA, the property owner or developer must submi...

Building Line is a line defined and beyond this line outer face of a building except boundary wall m...

A balcony is a platform that is typically attached to a building or structure and is supported by co...

Basement is the lowest storey of a building partially below ground level. Basements can provide a nu...

An architectural plan is a detailed drawing or set of drawings that depicts the design and layout of...

An arcade is a covered walkway or passageway with arches or columns on one or both sides.

Approved Plan is approved lay out plan for the building by Defence Housing Authority in accordance w...

An ancillary building is a subservient building or structure that is located on the primary building...

Amenity Plot is used for the purpose of amenity, like as government offices, health, welfare, educat...

Amalgamation is the joining of two or more adjacent plots of the same land through DHA approval in a...

Allottee is a person to whom an Allotment Letter has been issued by DHA in accordance with laid down...

An Allotment Letter is a formal document issued by the DHA for making allotment of properties.

District Collector (DC) Value is the minimum fair market value of a property that is determined by t...

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